Cast Stone is a highly durable product that can withstand the test of time.
The Cast Stone Institute is an organization of cast stone manufactures that strive to produce quality cast stone. They have very strict guidelines that ensure this and every member must offer a ten year warranty.
Cast Stone can be produced in virtually any color or texture.
Generally Cast Stone will be less expensive. Repetition is the key to accomplish this.
Wet Cast Stone is poured into a mold, vibrated and cured over night. Dry Cast “VDT” is a dry mix with an appropriate amount of water that is tamped using air powered tools, much like building a sand castle. With Dry Cast, the piece can immediately be de-molded. Both processes obtain the same result.
Section 04-72-00
ASTM C1364
This all depends on application and profile. Please contact us so we can help you design your project and make sure it will perform correctly.
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